get the app

The app for our web site is provided by PlayTennisConnect.
 Available for Apple and Android devices

Available in the Apple App store and Android Play store (free) 


Search for PlayTennisConnect V3:  (FREE)

Using the app you can:

Access the web site most recent news

Use the member directory to lookup other members

Receive push notifcations from the club 

Lookup the history of notifcations received

Schedule a tennis court

Integrate your tennis reservations with your phone calendar

Invite other players to join you for tennis

Contact club personnel via text, phone, or email

Menu options


includes our most recent announcements

Current News
This opens a 'mini-page' on our web site, with a link to the full (mobile friendly) web site..

Court Scheduler
Book a court and view the court sheets

Add/Invite Players
Add or invite other members to your existing court reservations

Recent Notifications
Retrieve the history of push notifications sent to you

Member Directory
Look up other members 

My Reservations
Review reservations you have made

Contact Staff
Tap to connect wit club staff